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The AVR Plugin requires Eclipse 3.3* (Europa) and CDT 4.0*.

If you do not have Eclipse or these versions go to the eclipse.org downloads page to download the required versions.

The Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers download package contains a suitable Eclipse IDE to get this Plugin to run. It also needs a Java Runtime 5 (or higher).

The plugin has been successfully tested under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Furthermore you need the AVR-GCC toolchain for AVR cross target development. But like the CDT Plugin for Eclipse itself, the AVR Plugin does not include a toolchain, it has to be installed separatly before this plugin can be used.

If you don't have an AVR-GCC toolchain installed see "The AVR-GCC Toolchain" in the project wiki on what it is and where to get it.

* This plugin should work on newer versions, but this has not been tested yet.


There are two ways to download the AVR Eclipse Plugin.

Update Site

Go to the Update Site manager

(Help > Software Updates > Find and install... > "Search for new features to install" -> "New Remote Site")

and add the following site

AVR Eclipse Plugin

Then click on Finish and select the AVR Eclipse Plugin from the list of Plugins to install.

Direct Download

If you do not want to use the Eclipse update manager, you can download the plugin directly from sourceforge and install it yoourself.

Go to the project download page and download on the latest release in the avr-eclipse Package (or avr-eclipse beta versions Package if you like to live on the cutting edge).

Then unzip the downloaded file into your Eclipse folder and restart Eclipse.

If the installation was successfull you should see the entries AVR Cross Target Application and AVR Cross Target Static Library in the "New C Project" wizard.